(countArriving-countLeaving) / (countLeaving+countArriving)

New York


Moving to
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New York

Moving to

New York

Reasons for moving

happy living where they are
more housing options
i was laid off
can work remotely
rent too expensive
growing a family
closer to family
rent is cheap
New York
New York

Lost all my work in NYC, no reason to come back anytime soon as I expect the recovery to be very slow

Traveled miles
New York

So long to street parking, hello to a mortgage cheaper than my previous rent

Traveled 1417.56 miles
New York

It's my first job out of college

Traveled 1417.56 miles
New York

I love New York City and always will. But everything that makes it special is batterer by a pandemic. Broadway shows, restaurants and bars, museums, skyscrapers, public transit. But the most important thing for me is space. My $5k/month 800 square foot one bedroom apt in Greenwich village with no outdoor space is being replaced by a large 2 bedroom on the bay with a giant balcony for $3.5k/month.

Traveled 1092.35 miles
New York

Wife doesn't want to live in one of the densest cities in the world. Would prefer we're in nature.

Traveled 1627.4 miles
New York
Santa Cruz

Had Covid in March, need a change of pace and fresh air to get healthy again, lack of faith in NYC healthcare's ability to handle second wave.

Traveled 2565.13 miles
New York
New York

I'm not planning on moving permanently - long term I want to still be in NYC. However, I don't have to go back to the office and am exploring other options that would be cheaper than NYC and avoid the cold winter.

Traveled miles
New York

Don’t have to work in my office in NYC until January or later. Save the rent!

Traveled 208.37 miles
New York
New York

Just moved here from London right before the lockdown, so not ready to move out yet, pandemic or no pandemic.

Traveled miles
New York

My parent's live just north of Boston, and I moved back in with them until NYC becomes less covid-y.

Traveled 190.21 miles
New York
Saratoga Springs

I’m moving because I don’t want to pay $2K a month for an apartment I don’t even live in. I moved in with my parents in Upstate NY as soon as COVID happened. I went back to visit my apartment that’s located in Williamsburg Brooklyn and the neighborhood had already changed. They transformed the hotel directly across from my apartment building into a homeless shelter and it still is acting as a shelter to this day. My lease ran up in May, my roommate got her salary cut in half so she moved into a cheaper apartment and I moved home. I’m able to work remote (however my boss still doesn’t know I’m officially out of the city yet) and I’m planning on moving to Saratoga Springs, NY so I can slow down in life, accord life and enjoy life with my boyfriend who I’ve been doing long distance with for the past 2 years.

Traveled 164.17 miles
New York

After 10 years in NYC, I and my wife Jennie were looking for a vacation home close to nature. COVID and the working from home situation make us accelerate the plan and think to make this new house our primary residence. At least for now :)

Traveled 64.94 miles
New York

My situation is almost unique: I quite my consulting job at the end of February to go travel around the U.S. in March before my April deployment to Namibia with the Peace Corps. Obviously, that has since been postponed, so I pivoted to working for an educational startup cum real estate company (it's as weird as it sounds). I decided to move to DC to be closer to my parents and because rent is *slightly* cheaper.

Traveled 203.55 miles
New York

To be fair, I already moved in May... but it was 100% for this reason. I moved to NYC from Texas right after college for my dream job. The issue? I'm a down home country boy and hate "big city" life. But I went with an open mind and searching for adventure. Unfortunately, I never found it. NYC is an amazing place to visit, but never to live. I was trying to find a way to move back to Texas since I got there. Once the pandemic started, and we went to 100% WFH, I got the first U-Haul out of there. I moved in the middle of May back home to my parents and after a month or 2 I bought a house in Dallas. I went from a 700 sqft 1 bedroom apartment in the city for $1,600 a month, to a 1700 sqft 3 bedroom house by the lake in Dallas for a $1,500 mortgage. I still work at my dream job and now live in my dream house! Oh, and I'm only 25!

Traveled 1370.58 miles
New York
New York

We made an offer on an apartment just before COVID got serious. Once we were in contract, we had to follow through or lose our deposit. If we were doing it over, we probably wouldn't have made the offer because of the worry of property sale prices taking a dive.

Traveled miles
New York

We actually already left. It seemed like a small window with the cases in New York being low and the EU about to ban entry of American residents. Paying 4K for a one bedroom in New York is crazy if you can work from anywhere in the world.

Traveled 3967.45 miles
New York

I was born here. Even though I bounced around growing up I’ve always come back to NYC and I’ve built my entire professional career here. But when my SO got laid off due to Covid-19 and my company officially went fully remote it felt like everything pointed to leaving. I’ve always told myself I wasn’t going to stay in NYC forever. Being forced to out of my usually song and dance with the city I love finally gave me the conviction to set off on a new adventure.

Traveled 1627.4 miles
New York

what is nyc without the people, the restaurants, the shows, the places we all gather in and cannot social distance in...? absurd rent for no good reason

Traveled 745.84 miles
New York

NYC killed itself with virus shutdowns, social justice concessions and now a crime wave on top of stratospheric taxes. Take away Broadway, the Night Life and great restaurants, and then add lawlessness to the mix and watch your city die.

Traveled 1627.4 miles
New York

With two little kids, we were hoping to buy a house this summer but we are very picky buyers and we were having an impossible time finding the right home. The pandemic gave us an extra push out the door and forced us to be more flexible in exchange for more space and a yard!

Traveled 12.47 miles
New York

NYC offices are closed and remote work is here to stay (at least for the immediate future). There's no need to pay for an overpriced East Village apartment if I don't need to be commuting everyday. Plus I can get a larger apartment and lease a car for the same price only 20 miles away outside the city in NJ. When I do need to start commuting into the office again, I'll happily bite the bullet on an hour and change traveling time door-to-door.

Traveled 13.19 miles
New York

Traveled 190.21 miles
New York

Traveled 1092.35 miles
New York


Traveled 1627.4 miles
New York

I've always had reasons I wanted to leave nyc, just needed an excuse. COVID19 provided both.

Traveled 198.46 miles
New York

Husband and I are both working remotely in NYC due to COVID, he’s in tech I’m in CPG. Just had a baby and scared for her safety at daycare. Breaking our lease and moving in with the in-laws in MA (free nanny! no rent!) until everything settles down and we hope to move back to NYC when it feels safe (spring/summer 2021?).

Traveled 210.3 miles
New York

Looking to get time away from NYC -- expense and job fluidity

Traveled 758.55 miles
New York

Traveled 4650.83 miles
New York

You pay a huge premium (both financially and in terms of quality of life) to live in NYC for the energy, culture, restaurants/nightlife, density and interesting people. Right now the energy isn't there, culture/restaurants/nightlife are closed or limited, density is poison and while the people may still be interesting; you're not meeting anyone anyway. Oh and chances are, your apartment isn't big enough to comfortably work from home. NYC will come back, but if you're renting or have an option to move, it's hard to justify staying.

Traveled 186.68 miles
New York
Jersey City

live with boyfriend ..

Traveled 1.98 miles
New York

Traveled 3621.82 miles
New York
Ponte Vedra Beach

Apartment/winter/mask/remote learning is not good for kids.

Traveled 833.48 miles
New York

My company doesn’t have any plans for us to go back to the office anytime soon and our immediate team will b remote for now. I’m tired of paying sky high rent and want to buy a house so I’m moving upstate to a small town where I can afford to buy a house because there are more reasonable.

Traveled 55.11 miles
New York
Los Angeles

I actually just moved! NYC is my beloved but it’s a mess and will remain so for a long time. Much like post-9/11. It will be 5-10 years til it recovers. Particularly for Covid AND now the protests ... the greatest aspects of the city are the people and the energy, and the openness to do anything. All of those are gone. Particularly the people and the energy aspects. All that considered, I’d rather live at the beach:)

Traveled 2445.56 miles
New York
San Diego

Traveled 2427.8 miles
New York

No reason to stay here while working remotely. In Florida getting more space, for way less money, warmer weather, cheaper living, and no state income tax.

Traveled 835.52 miles
New York

I am a co-founder and CEO of a biotech based ‘clean cleaning’ startup that is changing how home & laundry care products are formulated in order to be both effective and also safe for users and the planet. While thankfully a science backed cleaning business is very relevant in COVID times, our current pre-launch raise was kicked off in the thick of it. Our core team is distributed in four cities and when we looked hard at the options (New York, Austin, Scottsdale, and Portland), we made the call to choose Portland as the headquarters that we all could agree on for a number of reasons including cost of doing business, access to talent, livability, and a culture that embraces sustainability. I have been in New York for coming up on eight years. I love this city and my friends and community here. However, living here does come at a premium in cost of living and space. COVID has had a severe impact on the social AMD business interactions and benefits of being here so you’re not really “getting what you’re paying for” in many ways. While there’s a part of me that really wants to be a part of the change and recovery here, I am making what feels like the best decision for Dirty Labs. We’re optimizing costs while bringing our team together in a single location prior to our launch, and our investors are supporting the move.

Traveled 2439.24 miles
New York

I'm from NYC and have been wanting to leave for a few years. City living has just been losing its appeal to me lately, but not wanting to leave my family and friends kept me longer. Working from home now really makes me see the appeal of having a larger indoor and outdoor space.

Traveled 1227.34 miles
New York

We need more space as my wife and I now WFH full time (we did not WFH at all previously). We also leased a car because we needed to get out NYC and many cities outside of NYC offer parking spots.

Traveled 2.56 miles
New York
New York

I don't think I will move because my job and my wife's job are both based in Manhattan and I don't know what the new normal will be in the next 6 months.

Traveled miles
New York

Poor local leadership. Too many high rises ruining and “blanding” the essence of great neighborhoods. Ability to work remotely.

Traveled 531.02 miles
New York
New York

We’re hoping to get a better deal on an apartment, ideally one with better outdoor space.

Traveled miles
New York
Los Angeles

I was working in NYC and my primary residence was in Los Angeles. I was planning on coming back to Los Angeles in March but intended to keep the apartment to spend half my time in NYC and half my time in LA. I have no plans on returning to NYC except to pack my apartment. All of my friend who kept an apartment in NYC are planning on selling or leaving if they haven’t already.

Traveled 2445.56 miles
New York

Honestly, I already moved but the option wasn't quite captured in your survey questions. I was living in Manhattan but left for my family's home in the Houston suburbs as soon as my company announced work from home. Once they told us we could WFH through the end of the year in early May, I had my building pack up and ship everything from my apartment to save on rent. Making no promises to go back to New York before things calm down, and I'm definitely thinking twice about Manhattan. Big suburban backyards are a godsend in the pandemic!

Traveled 1417.56 miles
New York

Expecting a baby in September and too concerned about Covid to live in the city. Hope this is temporary and we’ll be back one day soon though!

Traveled 44.97 miles
New York
Los Angeles

More space, better weather, remote work

Traveled 2445.56 miles
New York

I have held a job in Savannah for three years in arts administration, and have worked mostly remotely with monthly commutes to Savannah from New York. I also am a professional singer who works full time in that industry in NYC. With the COVID surge continuing to happen across the country and arts essentially cancelled in NYC through the end of the year (at least), I don't see how it is feasible to pay my rent on no singing work. If I live in Savannah, I can at least not have to work on the scale of my bloated New York budget.

Traveled 714.23 miles
New York

I’m moving temporarily from midtown Manhattan to Denver. Covid sucks and paying $5k for an apartment makes no sense when all the benefits of being in the city are gone...I just signed a six month lease in Denver for a third of the cost and I’ll move back to NYC in 2021 with more money in my pocket and a six month hiking / snowboarding sabbatical.

Traveled 1627.4 miles
New York
San Bruno

typical college graduate. couldn't find a job, moving home.

Traveled 2568.71 miles
New York

I'm officially work from home until there is a vaccine, and even after that, it isn't mandatory. At this point, my company is not 100% sure if they'll ever make us return to an office building. I know several friends and colleagues who have not renewed their leases and have moved out of the city for the suburbs. You pay a 'cost-of-living premium' for the NYC experience, and if that experience doesn't exist, the premium is unwarranted and fiscally reckless. I've been here long enough to experience NYC, so this is just speeding up the inevitable for us.

Traveled 1627.4 miles
New York

Okay so yes, technically I still live in the same city. But I think even within individual cities, people are moving away from the more expensive hubs into some of the more affordable neighborhoods. Take me as an example. I moved from a ~400 sq ft apartment in Gramercy to a ~1000 sq ft apartment with a private backyard in Crown Heights. And I'm paying $50 less than I was before. It's just not worth it to live in a shoebox when you're stuck inside most of the time.

Traveled 4.02 miles
New York

Our wedding was set for June and we planned to eventually leave NYC for a life away from big city stress and expensive living... enter COVID. We've been in Maine since March and given the current outlook, we find no reason to go back to the Empire State. The pandemic has postponed our wedding plans and accelerated our decision to settle where we can actually afford a home with a backyard, and be close to family, friends and fresh air. I will forever have fond memories of "the city" but a swift breakup is best. I love you NYC - it's not you, it's me.

Traveled 2439.24 miles
New York
Los Angeles

I was living in NYC, but visiting just as the pandemic broke out hard in Early March. I decided to stay in LA, as I live in a month the month rental near Lincoln Center. I had a friend go to my place, collect my valuables. Then had a moving company pack up and put all belongings in storage. I now live in a cool guest house a few blocks from the beach, with plenty of room to walk freely, and I reduced my rent by $2000/ month. The next day the governor announced they we closing down NYC to any non essential vehicle traffic. Cross county move in 48 hours!

Traveled 2445.56 miles
New York
Ballston Spa

Staying because our office is here. But I am tempted to move our office as a whole.

Traveled 158.3 miles
New York

The city is hot and not as active as it usually is. We’ve also met 3 other couples that are also moving to the same town in Mass. I heard there are UFOs in the Berkshires and I hope I get abducted. You didn’t ask for that story, but fun fact.

Traveled 119.53 miles
New York

I moved in with my parents who left the city after Covid started for an airbnb in upstate NY. We’ve been there since March and they’re now finding a subletter for their Nyc apartment. I’m not sure where I’ll be moving to come September because I’m in grad school in Boston but don’t know if my program will be virtual yet.

Traveled 62.38 miles
New York

Traveled 1510.93 miles
New York
Delray Beach

I started off 2020 with the excitement of my first pregnancy, due in August. I grew up in South Florida, having lived the last 6 years in NYC and previous 5 in Boston, and many people asked if I would move home. “Never!” was my answer. I wanted to raise a “city kid.” Fast forward to March and the pandemic. I was visiting home in Florida for a long weekend March 12th. My 4 day trip turned into 2 months and ultimately the decision to make the (temporary) move. I went back to NYC in early May and packed up my apartment, put my things in storage, and said goodbye to the city I love for the foreseeable future. I was able to get a short term rental in Delray Beach and hope to be back in NYC by the new year, little one in hand, but guess that’s up to COVID and this “second wave.”

Traveled 1044.04 miles
New York

Can't deal with having roommates anymore, want more consistent sunshine, a better and bigger kitchen to explore my new-found love of cooking.

Traveled 1510.93 miles
New York

I’m leaving my $2750 a month tiny one bedroom apartment for a home that I purchased just a quick 45min train ride north. The close quarters in the city was something I always loved, the experience of it all was amazing pre-COVID. Now it’s frightening and I’d rather be safe than sorry. The truly amazing part of all of this is the financial aspect, I was able to get a mortgage, buy a home with a half acre of fenced in property, walking distance to the train station and I was able to do this for roughly $1400 less per month. It just seems like the right move at the right time for me, city life has just become not worth it given the pandemic and it’s impact.

Traveled 54.76 miles
New York
Glen Rock

We (Wife, Me and 2-children ages, 1 & 4) moved from LA to NYC in August 2019. It was our hope to recapture city life and give that to our children; culture, restaurants, atmosphere - all the things that make NYC great! We grabbed a 1,200 sq ft 2-bdr on the UWS, paying peak prices for the time. It was about 1,000 sq ft smaller than our LA apartment however had the energy and location we dreamed of. When COVID broke out in March we were confined to our tiny apt with the madness ensuing around us. Our breakfast nook became a conference room, computer station, painting room, dining room and sometimes time-out area (for everyone). I took conference calls in the bathroom, taught the alphabet by ipad and our kids scooted in the hallways of the building during rainy days. We tried our best to keep each other healthy and sane. With my company cutting my salary by 15% (I was one of the lucky 45% that was not furloughed) I asked my multi-building owning landlord for a rent-reduction. Their reply was that they would waive 'late-fees'. It became clear that even a horrible pandemic wouldn't allow for compassion from this set and that their friends at the State Capital in Albany or even the FED Capital in DC wouldn't be helping out... $600 doesn't go very far in a city. We started our home search in the Jersey Suburbs, the next day. I have been a resident of NYC off/on for the better part of a decade and it will always have my heart. Unfortunately city livings appeal for the middle-class isn't supposed to be indoors all day. Other than the countless lives COVID has taken, it has stripped us or our human connection (or desire for connection) and replaced it with fear, uncertainty and suspicion. Human connection is what makes NYC and all cities great! The random conversations and community-closeness is what gives us our attitude and prepares us for all of lifes challenges. On July 30 my family will move to a tree-lined suburb with a backyard. 'My house' is now nearly 3-times the size of my apt. I can now shop at the suburban IKEA rather than its city-version. I haven't lived in the suburbs in 20 years since I left for college. We now have 3 floors and 4-bdr (and 2 bathrooms) to take a conference call. My kids will hopefully make multiple friends with one of the dozen or so houses that line our street. After dinner walks to the local ice cream shop will now be replaced with 10-min car rides. I hope my community has similar values and personality that my city does. At the end of the day, I hope I don't feel old...

Traveled 18.51 miles
New York

NYC is getting way too crazy, the NYPD is getting defunded and my sales commission gets taxed way too much! Bars and clubs which is what made NYC fun are all closed.

Traveled 711.03 miles
New York

Not required to be back in the office this year and at least through Jan 2021. Expecting full remote permanently.

Traveled 1510.93 miles
New York


Traveled 3642.88 miles
New York

So I don't think this is the kind of move you were looking for but it follows the same thought pattern of "more space for less." We have been living in Manhattan and we are moving to Brooklyn at the end of the month because we can triple the space we have for the same cost we've been paying, including getting a huge back yard for our dog to run around in. If we had kids we might have considered a bigger move when all this hit, but for now, we still want to be in "the city" so hoping across the river and taking advantage of the situation in terms of locking in a below market rent with no brokers fee felt like a big win.

Traveled 4.02 miles
New York

The plan was for my fiance to apply for business school for a Fall 2021 start. When the pandemic started, a few MBA programs dropped the GMAT requirement and extended their deadlines. In a matter of weeks, he applied and was accepted to a good program so we jumped on the opportunity to bump up our timeline and leave NYC this fall!

Traveled 302.25 miles
New York

I might need to move in August, if my school goes to online only for the fall due to the DHS ruling. I really hope that either my school does a mix or the ruling will be overturned ( Harvard and MIT are currently suing). I really don’t want to move, even if it has the potential to be temporary, since I have called New York home for the past 7 years and I have built a life here. If they kick me out I will have nothing to show for it, yet I have invested so much time and money into this country. The US truly isn’t immigrant friendly anymore, hoping that will change in November! Please go out and vote, those who can’t rely on you!

Traveled 3929.58 miles
New York
New York

Lease is up. Want to buy an apt and take advantage of people selling for a loss.

Traveled miles
New York

Getting to expensive

Traveled 745.84 miles
New York

It was always the plan; only went up to NYC for my fiancé's job. We were considering staying for another year or two, but NYC is way too much if you're just hanging in your apartment.

Traveled 203.55 miles
New York

Working Until at least 2021 from home and would lose my mind in my tiny nyc studio! Have been thinking about leaving nyc for a while so this was the perfect opportunity.

Traveled 403.8 miles
New York

COVID-19 could spike again and Manhattan is easy to isolate, trapping us. The bid we put in on a house just as the pandemic was spiking was accepted.

Traveled 11.42 miles
New York

Security, weather

Traveled 4924.58 miles
New York

My lease expired, I can work remotely, so I had said fuck it and moved to Charleston.

Traveled 638.59 miles
New York

Traveled 190.21 miles
New York
Vero Beach

NYC has become unlivable because of socialist politicians. Taxes are out of control in NY and crime is again rampant.

Traveled 973.68 miles
New York
Jersey City

Expensive rent and no empty space to walk not bumping into people

Traveled 1.98 miles
New York
New York

Moving from a large rental building to a condo that's been vacant since the owners fled out of the US at the beginning of NYC's outbreak. We're waiting for the real estate market fallout before deciding when to leave NYC for good.

Traveled miles
New York

Have lived in the city for 3 decades. Never expected to leave. Raised two children there (one is still in HS, will continue as her mom is staying in the city). But no quality of life now, don't expect it to return for some time. Half of city life is outside of your (too small) apartment. Without that, there's no reason to stay unless you have to. I'll still commute in when the office re-opens (Hudson Square), but there are no immediate plans to open it.

Traveled 20.57 miles
New York
New York

My rent is $5600/month. I love my building, but it's owned by the government of UAE and they won't lower rents despite losing at least 1/3 of their residents. So it's time for us to find a place with equally good views for a lower price. It's so sad though: we love our doormen.

Traveled miles
New York

The NYC that is restaurants, bars, theaters, movie houses, and most other things that make this city so wonderful and energizing are at a standstill right now, and the likelihood of their coming back within this year is practically nil. So, we weighed the cost of rent vs. paying into something we’d own, and the latter felt like a no brainer — we can stream TV and movies, walk our dogs, and get Blue Apron anywhere, so let’s build our equity while we’re doing it. However, we’re looking at this new home as a project that we’ll take on for a few years to improve and sell before moving back to NYC or to Palo Alto, LA, or London. Do I think this city will bounce back? Abso-fucking-lutely! Per usual, this city will reinvent itself and will send out its siren song to people around the world who are itching to experience life in a cultural fast lane. This will always be the destination for a new crop of young people ready for the nightlife and energy of this city; this will always be an unrivaled location for people who need proximity to the large number and varying types of museums, galleries, shows, cabarets, and the like — all of which will come back full force — on a regular basis; and this will always be a necessary community for artists who feed off the excitement, diversity, and intellect of NYC’s population. This city will come back with a vengeance with both a number of steadfast faces and with a whole slew of new faces who are ready to be here and replace those of us who decided to buy houses in Hightstown, NJ. And to all of them, I say, “Enjoy the fuck out of the greatest city in the world.”

Traveled 40.94 miles
New York

New York has gotten so expensive. The rents are through the roof and owning a home is nearly impossible, unless you have a job on Wall St..The taxes are insane. Im a single female, I can not afford to live in NY unless I work 3 jobs just to pay rent and hope to have some money left for groceries. I packed up and went south. I will keep my NY job and be able to work from home.

Traveled 955.17 miles
New York

In the event of global catastrophe, it has become clear how living in a city is as good as a death sentence. I am moving to a much smaller city.

Traveled 54.76 miles
New York
Sag Harbor

I have a second home here, don't know what to do with our apt in the city. Would sell if I can.

Traveled 91.68 miles
New York

My job is now completely remote so I do not need to be in the city anymore. I'm moving because I'm a country person at heart and love having access to a car and the outdoors. Not to mention, I'd love a bigger living space and more privacy.

Traveled 758.55 miles
New York

My fiance and I have lived in New York for four years and are getting married in September. We fled to Nashville in mid-march to quarantine and have some extra square-footage in her parents' house. Living with the future in-laws has been a bit of a struggle, and since we're getting married, we are going to rent an apartment in Nashville for six months. The thought of getting hitched and then going into the guest room here was too overwhelming...so after those six months we're going to make the call on moving back to NYC.

Traveled 758.55 miles
New York
Kansas City

My wife actually left me for a co-worker the week before New York shut down. I'm not working currently so without a job, a partner, or a life keeping me tied to NY I was free to come "home" to KC and spend one last responsibility-free Summer with friends and family before eventually going back to New York for the second semester of life.

Traveled 1093.53 miles
New York

Fell in love. And it no longer made sense to pay more in rent than a mortgage for a full blown house (with a yard!). It was already on the horizon, but COVID was the nudge to make it happen. It was scary to see the masses leave, and equally heartbreaking. I wasn't ready to leave, but maybe it's better that way.

Traveled 968.06 miles
New York

Already had plans to move in with boyfriend, but the decision was made far easier by COVID and I haven't missed the city at all.

Traveled 33.91 miles
New York
Los Angeles

Cost of living, riots, crime, everyone moving out, affordability, everything closed, remote work possible

Traveled 2445.56 miles
New York

Covid 19 final straw

Traveled 279.73 miles
New York

I have lived in NYC for 5 years trying to become a full time actor. With the pandemic, most of my actor friends have left with no intentions of returning. Other cities acting scenes are growing enough to leave NYC.

Traveled 745.84 miles
New York

Raleigh is home for me- family, close friends that are like family, my alma matter (Go Heels!). My tech company, WalkMe, already has an office Raleigh and they have an open policy for remote workers so I'd be able to stay on my NYC team. I've been in NYC for about 7 years and feel like I've gotten my city fix and experienced everything that I need to :). NYC is only 1.5 hour flight if I really need a Broadway show or NYC Pizza!

Traveled 423.36 miles
New York
Los Angeles

Cheaper rent and more space

Traveled 2445.56 miles
New York
Los Angeles

Don't want to do another winter of quarantine. Period.

Traveled 2445.56 miles
New York

We're doing the move as a test run to see if our family likes living and working in FL. Both my husband and I run our own businesses so, theoretically, we could do it from anywhere. If we don't like it (and my husband is convinced he won't) we'll come back to NYC or go to LA to give that a shot. I don't think we'll ever go SO far away from a city but if COVID has taught us anything, it's to optimize for loving where you live.

Traveled 1092.35 miles
New York

Cheaper living and better job down in NC also closer to family (can't beat that).

Traveled 423.36 miles
New York

We've proven that my wife & I can do our jobs remotely. We now have the ability to leave our tiny apartment and buy a house, be closer to family, and still access the NYC job market.

Traveled 968.06 miles
New York
Fort Myers

I would love to see my paycheck, see nature, and give up the NYC rent rates for a bit!

Traveled 1071.18 miles
New York

Because I was already tired of nyc life after 19 years and now I don’t need to be in an office 5 days a week. The CT shoreline is equidistant between Boston and nyc and a beautiful happy place

Traveled 84.78 miles
New York

Traveled 31.12 miles
New York
Fort Lauderdale

Though i have a great job in NYC and own my own apt, it's extremely pricey and quality of life has dwindled. Don't feel as safe.

Traveled 1067.56 miles
New York

I left NY and started a new job in Chicago at the beginning of April. With everything going on I haven't moved into a new apartment yet. I've been in limbo staying at my parents house while working remotely. It's great to save on rent, and I plan to move into a place in Chicago eventually, maybe Fall or early 2021.

Traveled 711.03 miles
New York
San Francisco

I'm moving to San Francisco for a work opportunity, but prior to learning about this opportunity, I had been dreaming of getting out of my shoebox-sized apartment in New York once it became evident that taking meetings from my bed was not a long term option. Apartments in San Francisco, while still pricey, are at least bigger than the options within my budget in NYC.

Traveled 2565.7 miles
New York

Lower rent (why pay NYC rent without the NYC perks?) + more space (backyard for dog, house instead of an apartment - so I don't have to rely on others to be responsible) + cheaper rent (25% less rent ... yes, I already moved on July 2)

Traveled 36.93 miles
New York

partner transferred job offices, I am going back to school

Traveled 1092.35 miles
New York
San Francisco

NYC feels inhabitable and imminently less safe. I’m moving back to Sf with my parents where I can live rent free for a few months.

Traveled 2565.7 miles
New York
New York

I'm moving with my boyfriend to another neighborhood in the city (NYC). We have been debating whether or not to stay here but we both want to give it one more year in case the city rebounds. We would otherwise have moved out of the city in 3-5 years but now it might be 2 years if we can both keep working remotely. Without having to go to an office 5 days a week and without restaurants, bars, shows, museums (literally anything worth living in NY for), it doesn't make sense to live here anymore. Also public transportation. Without public transportation it's tough to do things without a car. And a car in the city is basically like having another apartment.

Traveled miles
New York

Does not make sense to pay so much rent for a shoebox. Time to move on. Have grown up from sex and the city days so NY served its purpose.

Traveled 203.55 miles
New York

We were in NYC for the first two months of quarantine (March - May) then finally relocated to California at my parents house. We're realizing there's a better quality of life outside of the city and may choose to not re-sign our lease and move here permanently.

Traveled 4.02 miles
New York
Westhampton Beach

I have been living in NYC for 23 years (my entire adult life). I love it dearly. I work for a large fashion brand, my wife is a yoga instructor. We have a 9 year old son. His entire life we have lived in a 2 bedroom Manhattan apartment and it was always enough. Once I began working from home, she began remote teaching and they closed his school, we lasted a week in our apartment before we knew we had to leave. We have been living at my aunt's beach house since March 22nd. We kept our apartment until the beginning of June when it became apparent that this was really the "new normal". We have received no indication on what NYC public schools plan to do in September. It doesn't seem plausible that he will be going back to full time schooling. I applaud the attempts at "remote learning", but it has honestly been a joke. How will they deal with the fact that there are 32 kids in his crammed classroom? The city has no money to fix this issue and the federal government has not even given a thought to public education. Imagine if they magically found 50 billion for public school kids like they did for the airline industry. Our hope is that in a small town he will have a better chance to attend school more regularly. Both my wife and I will be working remotely for the foreseeable future. We won't need to commute, which we had always dreaded about moving out of the city. Our plan is to rent a house at the beach for the next year or so and see how that goes. I feel that there will be plenty of available apartments if we decide to move back.

Traveled 71.49 miles
New York

Originally I was planning on traveling indefinitely, but we all know how that plan ended up after the first week of March. So I decided to move to Europe instead. I applied to jobs all over and I got one in Berlin. I’ve never actually been there. But I do know that what I pay for a room in a shared apartment here in NYC can get me my own nice one bedroom there ☺️

Traveled 3967.45 miles
New York
New York

Lease is up. Want to buy an apt and take advantage of people selling for a loss.

Traveled miles
New York

Rent is to damn high

Traveled 421.08 miles
New York

Lease is ending

Traveled 203.55 miles
New York
New York

Lost all my work in NYC, no reason to come back anytime soon as I expect the recovery to be very slow

Traveled miles
New York

To be clear, I moved out of NYC at the end of May. My lease was up, and with no clear answer of when I would have to be in the office, I moved back in with my parents. I have been able to spend some time in airbnbs, 10 days in Vermont, 30 days in South Carolina, but my plan is to move back into NYC come November/December. Cities are expensive, but the burbs aren't quiet as cheap as everyone thinks either.

Traveled 104.19 miles
New York

Was supposed to move to NYC for work in June, obviously got pushed back, and continues getting pushed back a couple months at a time. I know the city won’t be the same when I get there in the near future but it’s still worth a shot!

Traveled 1370.58 miles
New York

New job requires relocation to NYC, surprisingly. But I'm not moving until Jan 2021.

Traveled 745.84 miles
New York

I work in finance and it’s easier to find a job that I like there. (I also used to leave there and miss it). I was planning to move in May 2020, but Covid hit. Waiting until next year to see if the situation is better in the city and in the country overall.

Traveled 1370.58 miles
New York

I moved from NYC 2 years ago and have been trying to get back. Assuming we get past this, its a great opportunity to get in on cheaper rent. Cities adapt and are always preferable lifestyle for my family.

Traveled 1370.58 miles
New York
New York

I'm moving with my boyfriend to another neighborhood in the city (NYC). We have been debating whether or not to stay here but we both want to give it one more year in case the city rebounds. We would otherwise have moved out of the city in 3-5 years but now it might be 2 years if we can both keep working remotely. Without having to go to an office 5 days a week and without restaurants, bars, shows, museums (literally anything worth living in NY for), it doesn't make sense to live here anymore. Also public transportation. Without public transportation it's tough to do things without a car. And a car in the city is basically like having another apartment.

Traveled miles
New York
New York

Lease is up. Want to buy an apt and take advantage of people selling for a loss.

Traveled miles
New York

I want to move to a bigger city with more diversity and cultural options. I’m Portuguese and I moved to the US, Oregon more specifically, 6 years ago. My goal and dream was always NYC and now it’s the right time to make the move.

Traveled 2478.35 miles
New York

moving to start my job- it’s gone from “you’re moving to nyc that’s going to be so fun” to “nyc? good luck” in the last few months

Traveled 63.65 miles
New York
New York

I'm not planning on moving permanently - long term I want to still be in NYC. However, I don't have to go back to the office and am exploring other options that would be cheaper than NYC and avoid the cold winter.

Traveled miles
San Francisco
New York

Traveled 2565.7 miles
New York
New York

Just moved here from London right before the lockdown, so not ready to move out yet, pandemic or no pandemic.

Traveled miles
San Francisco
New York

New job I secured in December and promised to relocate from SF to NYC by August. Safe to say, I'm trading bad for worse (COVID-wise). Got a taste of NYC life in Jan and Feb while I was living in a corporate apartment. Loved it. Not sure what COVID life has in store, but I'd give anything to trade my high rise apartment for a plot of land with a garden.

Traveled 2565.7 miles
State College
New York

I needed to get out of my small town for a while now. Being in a low vulnerability demographic, the idea of moving to a big city doesn't really scare me. I'm looking for more opportunities and connections.

Traveled 201.78 miles
New York

Since lockdown in March, both of us have been working from home in our tiny apartment. A bunch of people have fled NYC and that has opened up a lot of apartments that would normally never be on the market for a decent price. Now is the time to take advantage of high supply and slightly lower than average prices.

Traveled 4.02 miles
New York
New York

We made an offer on an apartment just before COVID got serious. Once we were in contract, we had to follow through or lose our deposit. If we were doing it over, we probably wouldn't have made the offer because of the worry of property sale prices taking a dive.

Traveled miles
New York

We will be church planting team members for a church in the NYC area and I recently found a job in NYC

Traveled 599.88 miles
New York

Just graduated college, living at home for now doing remote work, planning to move to NYC when my job begins in the office.

Traveled 41.88 miles
New York

Traveled 1963.92 miles
New York

Since leaving The City four years ago, I’m feeling a strong pull to be back. Partly because that’s where the majority of “my people” are and plan on staying, but also because falling rents now make it a much more reasonable proposition.

Traveled 608.63 miles
New York
New York

I don't think I will move because my job and my wife's job are both based in Manhattan and I don't know what the new normal will be in the next 6 months.

Traveled miles
San Francisco
New York

Traveled 2565.7 miles
New York
New York

We’re hoping to get a better deal on an apartment, ideally one with better outdoor space.

Traveled miles
Salt Lake City
New York

I want to be there when things start picking up again.

Traveled 1967.66 miles
New York

I'm trying to zig when everyone else zags. Hoping I can buy low in Manhattan.

Traveled 1627.4 miles
Los Angeles
New York

Was living in NYC - covid hit and packed up and havent been back but will ultimately move back

Traveled 2445.56 miles
New York

I was a senior at Georgetown University in Washington D.C. living in the Entrepreneurship house. I was told to pack my bags and leave the on-campus housing within 72 hours. I was gifted a duffel bag by a hookup, flew home to the Fort Lauderdale suburbs and was bored in my parents house for 2 months. Then I moved up to Gainesville Florida because there were less COVID cases in this rural part of Florida. Plus my friends were having a last hurrah after graduating college. Now I'm a recent grad with an internet business I can run from anywhere so I'm weighing staying in Gainesville or moving to NYC.

Traveled 896.06 miles
New York

I've been offered the position of a lifetime to relocate to NYC. Despite COVID-19, my wife and I are excited to experience everything the city has to offer. It may be a couple years before we return to normalcy, but it will be worth the wait.

Traveled 1510.93 miles
New York

In the past 10 years, I’ve lived in 6 different cities in different states. I don’t like staying in one place for too long. I want to experience as much of the world as I can. When I first visited Austin, I loved it. But after living here for almost 2 years (feels too long already) that new city smell is wearing off. All the “natives” constantly complain about how much the city is changing and SF transplants are just…ugh 🙄 I’ve always wanted to live in NYC—especially before starting a family and now seems like a good time.

Traveled 1510.93 miles
San Francisco
New York

Law school at NYU

Traveled 2565.7 miles
New York
New York

Lease is up. Want to buy an apt and take advantage of people selling for a loss.

Traveled miles
New York
New York

Moving from a large rental building to a condo that's been vacant since the owners fled out of the US at the beginning of NYC's outbreak. We're waiting for the real estate market fallout before deciding when to leave NYC for good.

Traveled miles
New York
New York

My rent is $5600/month. I love my building, but it's owned by the government of UAE and they won't lower rents despite losing at least 1/3 of their residents. So it's time for us to find a place with equally good views for a lower price. It's so sad though: we love our doormen.

Traveled miles
New York

I was planning to relocate to NYC for my job in June but said move is now delayed because of the pandemic (maybe you've heard of it?). In April, they rerouted and said September was the new target date but since they promised 8 weeks notice if offices would be opening in time and we needed to move and be there in person, they have one more week until they need to inform us if we're holding true to that date! It's getting more and more unlikely as the days go on... especially considering how things are going here in Texas. Interested to see the results!

Traveled 1370.58 miles
New York

My job as an essential worker opened up during the pandemic. And crazy enough, I came up on a day's notice. I also had a friend to stay with which of course helped, immensely.

Traveled 1015.4 miles
New York

Three years ago I moved back to Austin (home for me) after college, hoping to ride the wave of growth. It's been less glamorous than I hoped, and now the company I work for froze raises and promotions for 2020 - I was due for one in January. I still make an entry-level wage, so if I am going to try and "get ahead" I feel like I need a jump start. New York rent is said to be falling, and with all the people supposedly leaving, it seems like a great opportunity to get a job there and experience the city in my mind's eye when I think of success. Many of my college friends that moved to the city have seen multiple promotions since starting, and I think the pace of business up there has something to do with it. I love Austin, but this city is more expensive than I remember. I came for the lifestyle, but I still feel like I'm still in a rat race down here - only, its not a competition between other go-getters, but against the cost of living. I'd love to stay, but I need that catalyst if I ever want more than a 3% salary increase. I know there are high-growth opportunities in Austin, but those jobs seem to be reserved for the people coming from SF and New York anyways. It would also be misleading if I didn't mention that I miss my community. I haven't had the same friendships in Austin as I had at school, and going to NY would give me the opportunity to reconnect, and likely meet more like-minded people.

Traveled 1510.93 miles
New York

Technically we are not moving out of a city, rather we are moving into the heart of the city - sort of a reverse exodus. NYC is resilient and will bounce back soon, why not take advantage of great mortgage rates and drop in housing prices?

Traveled 4.02 miles
New York

I wanna buy real estate abandoned by city dwellers once corona ends

Traveled 602.95 miles
New York

I was suppose to move back in March but because of COVID I had to postpone but my company has initiated work from home till 2021 so I'm not sure when or if the move will happen. Earning NYC money & not paying NYC rent is pretty nice!

Traveled 169.36 miles

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