What used to be a great country has moved to one similar to a developing nation. I no longer want to be a minority (a white woman with privilege) believing that equity and equality are the most important attributes for a successful and balanced life. Money isn't everything -- it's a means to an end. Purpose -- working to improve the world (while making enough money to live a happy life) is far more important. Balance -- having time to fulfill my purpose and enjoy resting and relaxing with friends and family in beautiful surroundings is the goal!
Raleigh has great jobs, but is more boring than watching paint dry. Richmond doesn't have as many jobs, but it ain't boring.
My work as a techwriter and project coordinator was already remote-friendly prior to the pandemic, so we made our move based on non-work factors like proximity to family, escaping from Midwestern weather, and - as avid sailors - to be closer to the water (we're located on the Chesapeake Bay). We're located within 100 miles of three metro areas; I'm optimistic that the increased acceptance of remote work means I just became a local candidate in three relatively hot job markets, rather than an exception who needs to prove he's worth trusting in a remote role.
First baby due in less than 2 weeks. We want to be closer to family as well as safer opportunities for our growing family. I used to commute to work everyday on Metro, but since the pandemic I’ve been teleworking. This has really opened our eyes to our family’s safety and well being.