Girlfriend was lucky enough to receive a spot at optometry school and with my job allowing me to work full time remotely, I’ll be able to go with her to Philly and we’ll be able to support each other. It’s both of our first times living somewhere else for an extended period of time.
Raleigh has great jobs, but is more boring than watching paint dry. Richmond doesn't have as many jobs, but it ain't boring.
Got married and with interest rates so low, we bought our first house in a nice area on the northside of downtown Raleigh and we're moving in a couple of weeks.
I’m currently a student doing an internship with rotations that I myself selected in 4 different cities, and I’m finishing up in Raleigh right now. The past cities have been Orlando, Jacksonville, Gainesville, and Raleigh. I’m moving because I’ll be finishing up my rotation here in the next month and I’ll be trying to solidify a job in Jacksonville or Orlando. I’ve thought a lot about where I want to end up after this is all over, and I’m still drawn to cities - mainly for grocery stores like Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods and things to do! And being from Florida, I really like being close to the water. Thinking of living in a smaller city would be better safety wise with COVID, but would seemingly be lacking in the people, community, and presence of stores I love. Once I have a family set up, I’ll be more open to doing a smaller city, but being right out of school I think a city is my go to for now. Thanks guys!
Cheaper living and better job down in NC also closer to family (can't beat that).
My wife and I both work in tech, I sell Enterprise SaaS and she works for a large hardware company based in Round Rock/Austin, TX. We moved to Chicago 2 years ago for my job and once COVID hit and we were working remote, we wanted to be closer to family. Hers is in DC/Charleston area so we picked Raleigh which is in the middle and a tech hub. We saw our building get looted during the riots and that was the final straw for us. We were in a great building two blocks off the Chicago river but wanted to be somewhere quieter and cheaper. We got a place that is twice the size and half the cost in Raleigh.
**We already made the move to Raleigh last month** Expensive housing in DC. Want more room. Wife and I both work for remote companies so nothing keeping us physically tied to DC. Closer to family as well. We can retire 3-5 years earlier here.
Quarantine made me realize I want to be closer to home... and to save on rent
Blessed to work in technology where finally the hope of a remote workforce is starting to come true. I'm move to where I can own land and hope to retire owning a fully working farm. Land and property trumps stock market paper any day. Fresh air and open skies. The old system is dying and the new one looks distributed. I want to contribute to the infrastructure of the heartland.
Looking to buy a house that is cheaper, newer, and larger. Don't want to pay an exorbitant amount in rent or a house that will take a lifetime to pay off.
Got married and with interest rates so low, we bought our first house in a nice area on the northside of downtown Raleigh and we're moving in a couple of weeks.
We are moving due to job relocation. We are sad to leave Philadelphia, and hope to one day be back. As our moving truck was loading our stuff a few days back, we saw at least half a dozen on the streets nearby. There was definitely a large movement out of the city. Whether it’s related to COVID, riots, or the fact that medical professionals often have start and stop dates in the summer (Philadelphia has a large medical presence, which is where I fall), I don’t know.
Raleigh is home originally. My family is all still there. I came to Dallas to work for a Bay Area tech company thinking, no state tax, cheaper cost of living than SF, and an exciting new city would be great for me. So I sold my house in NC, shipped everything down here to TX, started settling in and working. But then covid happened. Since then its been impossible to enjoy anything Dallas has to offer. Mavericks or cowboys games? Live music concerts? Bars and restaurants? Meeting new people? Can’t do any of it. So heading back home to be near family and friends is the only option really.
Raleigh is home for me- family, close friends that are like family, my alma matter (Go Heels!). My tech company, WalkMe, already has an office Raleigh and they have an open policy for remote workers so I'd be able to stay on my NYC team. I've been in NYC for about 7 years and feel like I've gotten my city fix and experienced everything that I need to :). NYC is only 1.5 hour flight if I really need a Broadway show or NYC Pizza!