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Delray Beach


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Delray Beach

Moving to

Delray Beach

Reasons for moving

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New York
Delray Beach

I started off 2020 with the excitement of my first pregnancy, due in August. I grew up in South Florida, having lived the last 6 years in NYC and previous 5 in Boston, and many people asked if I would move home. “Never!” was my answer. I wanted to raise a “city kid.” Fast forward to March and the pandemic. I was visiting home in Florida for a long weekend March 12th. My 4 day trip turned into 2 months and ultimately the decision to make the (temporary) move. I went back to NYC in early May and packed up my apartment, put my things in storage, and said goodbye to the city I love for the foreseeable future. I was able to get a short term rental in Delray Beach and hope to be back in NYC by the new year, little one in hand, but guess that’s up to COVID and this “second wave.”

Traveled 1044.04 miles

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Made by Ian and Caleb

Data provided by trends.co and thehustle.co

Project built using Airtable, Webflow, and Parabola

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