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Moving to


Reasons for moving

closer to family
Altamonte Springs

To be closer to work

Traveled 7.78 miles

Job was eliminated in Florida due to COVID and we are relocating to Austin Texas for more job opportunities and to be closer to family

Traveled 991.16 miles
New Smyrna Beach

We (my spouse and I) say why not? We are young with no kids, can work from wherever now, why not be on the beach?

Traveled 42.85 miles

Job transfer within the same organization

Traveled 960.62 miles

Well I am in the maybe category. I own my home here and the real estate market has actually gone way up in the pandemic so I could make a good amount selling and there are more professional opportunities for me in Florida. I think with the tourism economy being destroyed it may be a good time to move to a tourist location.

Traveled 1833.8 miles

The cost has gotten way to high, we are taxed to death and with 2 good incomes we still live paycheck to paycheck. The corruption in state government is so bad, they have been kicking the can down the road for decades.

Traveled 985.48 miles

Moving closer to in-laws.

Traveled 985.48 miles
Haines City

My wife is a physician assistant. We moved in with her parents when her mom got cancer to a) help out her parents financially and b) live cheaply to pay off her grad school student loans. We paid off about $88,000 in the last 12 months, excluding interest and $17,000 for her "new" car. Her stepdad, who is tremendously difficult to live with, has also threatened to kick us out of the small house multiple times. I work from home and I'm now confining myself to our bedroom pretty much 7 days per week to avoid ruffling any feathers. Can't wait to finish off the loans and get out of here, and into our own apartment, around the end of the year. Then we can start working toward building our custom home.

Traveled 33.36 miles
Los Angeles

I’m tired of the constant traffic, high real estate prices and expense of pretty much everything. A smaller city with a good economy seems very appealing. Owning a home with space seems even more so.

Traveled 2197.26 miles

I’m currently a student doing an internship with rotations that I myself selected in 4 different cities, and I’m finishing up in Raleigh right now. The past cities have been Orlando, Jacksonville, Gainesville, and Raleigh. I’m moving because I’ll be finishing up my rotation here in the next month and I’ll be trying to solidify a job in Jacksonville or Orlando. I’ve thought a lot about where I want to end up after this is all over, and I’m still drawn to cities - mainly for grocery stores like Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods and things to do! And being from Florida, I really like being close to the water. Thinking of living in a smaller city would be better safety wise with COVID, but would seemingly be lacking in the people, community, and presence of stores I love. Once I have a family set up, I’ll be more open to doing a smaller city, but being right out of school I think a city is my go to for now. Thanks guys!

Traveled 524.61 miles

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Made by Ian and Caleb

Data provided by trends.co and thehustle.co

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