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San Diego


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San Diego

Moving to

San Diego

Reasons for moving

rent too expensive
closer to family
went to live with family
can work remotely
it's family friendly
San Diego

California is too expensive and the government is too big and out of control

Traveled 2076.72 miles
San Diego

Traveled 408.03 miles
San Diego
San Francisco

I lived in SF for 4 years before I moved to SD and I miss it every day. I’ve been planning on moving back for a while but the flexibility to work from home for the same company and the idea of lower rent is speeding up the timeline.

Traveled 458.33 miles
San Diego

High salary with low taxes and cost of living. 5% growth year over year for the next 5 years. No brainer. And that sweet southern charm beats San Diego attitude any day!

Traveled 1750.86 miles
San Diego

In early March, I applied for the "Tulsa Remote" program where The City of Tulsa essentially provides each accepted/qualified applicant with $10,000 for moving costs and rent over the course of a year (https://tulsaremote.com/). Currently being in CA is great and will always be home, but moving to Tulsa with inexpensive housing in a fun "big little city" seems like a great option. I know I could make Tulsa home, but with my family in CA and COVID happening, the move is a little unnerving. PS. I'm glad I found the Hustle because the topics you guys discuss seem to appear somewhere else in my life, so I kinda sound smart sometimes (favorite read? The start of Hot Cheetos and "worst" video game in history).

Traveled 1226.87 miles
San Diego

Im moved here for the beach which is now over crowded.

Traveled 830.6 miles
San Diego

High cost of living while living on top of each other. Bad combo.

Traveled 1154.82 miles
San Diego
Salt Lake City

The pandemic completely upended my values. From enjoying the vibrant crowds and beaches of sunny, expensive California with 4 hustles to afford life here, I’m throwing in the towel for now to live with family in a safe, connected, pastoral landscape. I figure if I’m going to be locked inside for the foreseeable future, I may as well pay less and be with family while I work remotely.

Traveled 627.48 miles
San Diego

To be closer to family

Traveled 1890.13 miles
San Diego

Tired and afraid of our liberal politicians demonizing white people and the police. There is going to be a major revolution and big cities will not be a safe place for a while.

Traveled 343.87 miles
San Diego

Making too good of money with nothing to show for it. Better cost of living, four seasons, a growing city, family friendly...

Traveled 754.85 miles
San Diego

San Diego was absurdly expensive and salaries did not match housing costs, not even close. We had no choice but to move to the no-coast part of the country.

Traveled 1530.73 miles
Santa Barbara
San Diego

Opportunity to move due to economic slow down, time off, social security

Traveled 187.64 miles
San Diego

Quarantine life in the Northeast makes the weather matter a whole lot more. When you can't travel or go to restaurants and bars to hit those highs on the weekends after the average soul-crushing lows of the work-week due to the Northeastern live-to-work mentality of your boss and co-workers (I'm a physician and my wife's an attorney) AND you're imprisoned in the four walls for half the year due to the weather, a re-organization of priorities is due immediately. Also, we hail from the West Coast and most all our family and friends are entirely still out there. With fluctuating case numbers, travel infection risk, and quarantine recommendations following travel at 2 weeks - getting out there or having anyone come visit is basically impossible. Plans keep getting made and cancelled going on 6 months now with no signs of that letting up. We had been considering this move for a while after being in the Northeast for school and work but the time has definitely come. We're looking at a 50% pay cut and giving up our brand new beautiful home to make this happen, too. SMH.

Traveled 2447.22 miles
San Diego

For the past 13 years I've loved my beautiful rent controlled apt, but between the increasing trash, homelessness, traffic, living costs, general inequities, and lack of work-life balance, it's time to leave the bay area.

Traveled 458.09 miles
San Francisco
San Diego

I'm worried about the housing market in San Francisco, so this feels like the only time I could sell my house and not lose all my money. Spoiler: (we actually already moved a couple weeks ago) but when we tried to book a Uhaul in early June there was only one Uhaul left for the 10 day period we wanted to move, so we had to drive to Napa to pick up the truck.

Traveled 458.33 miles
San Francisco
San Diego

My wife and I already moved last month. The combination of cheaper rent, deterioration of SF, and being able to quickly get back to SF when needed made it a no brainer. So far it’s 10/10 would recommend.

Traveled 458.33 miles
San Diego

I moved in May - best decision ever

Traveled 1731.55 miles
San Francisco
San Diego

Traveled 458.33 miles
San Francisco
San Diego

Leaving SF after 6 years to San Diego.Me and my girlfriend were each paying $1600+ to live with housemates. Now we're paying $1200 to live in a 2br 2 bath 2 blocks from the beach (by ourselves!) Will miss you SF!

Traveled 458.33 miles
San Francisco
San Diego

Traveled 458.33 miles
San Francisco
San Diego

New found ability/permission to wfh. Hoping to buy a home in the near future, and that will never happen in SF. Have been dying to live somewhere with more enjoyable weather, lifestyle, etc.

Traveled 458.33 miles
San Diego

Everything is closed. No point in living in an overpriced downtown "luxury" apt complex if the amenities and everything around it is closed.

Traveled 298.79 miles
San Diego

We can afford a larger home, more land, and a nicer property for the same price our neighborhood here charges for a small 3:1, and be near the beach.

Traveled 454.51 miles
New York
San Diego

Traveled 2427.8 miles
Los Angeles
San Diego

We had a baby last year and have been looking to buy a house for 6+ months.

Traveled 111.48 miles
San Diego

Our story is probably along the opposite lines of what you’re looking for. We’re going from rural Montana to North San Diego County. My husband and I have been married for over 3 years now. We’re 23 and 22. 2019 roughed us up pretty good, so we decided to take some time of “life” in 2020 and get to know each other again in the beautiful escape that is western Montana. Then lockdown hit—actually just about two weeks after we arrived. It ended up being the BEST thing for our marriage, but I also watched three of my family members suffer from a the virus (from a distance...they live in San Diego). Anyway, we are so grateful to have been in a secluded place during the whole onslaught of this social and political shit show. I was able to continue teaching English online thru it all. Now that the fog is *ever so slightly???* lifting (or is it??), we are moving back to San Diego in late August. While all of y’all are just trying to gtf out of the city, we’re just now heading in. Wish us luck.

Traveled 960.92 miles
San Diego

Already moved. The week we all went remote I packed up my car and decided if the world was ending I wanted to be beach side. I now live 50 steps to Sunset Cliffs and can take my daily walks by the ocean- what I always dreamed of.

Traveled 832.79 miles

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